Harem Cult Ep 4

In the realm of adult anime, a new series has emerged that has captivated audiences with its unique blend of fantasy and eroticism – “Harem Cult”. This series, based on the original work by Yoshiyuki Uba and published by Core Magazine, takes viewers on an extraordinary journey into a world filled with intrigue and desire. “Harem Cult” is set in a school where a group of small villains run rampant. The student council that controls the place is opposed by a resistance force that wages an information war. Everyone in this world has a hidden face, adding a layer of mystery to the narrative. The story revolves around a character named Tatsumi who is captured. Two individuals, Habatojima and Shimura, come to his aid. Tatsumi discovers his talent and pleases four female students with his sexual prowess. Even Awanono, who was insensitive, is developed to the point of awakening to sexual pleasure. “Harem Cult” is not just an anime series; it’s a deep dive into a world of fantasy and desire. As Tatsumi navigates his way through this world, viewers are invited to join him on this journey, witnessing his transformation from a captive to a man who controls the desires of others. The series is brought to life using in-motion technology, creating a world that was previously only possible in comics. This technology adds a new dimension to the series, making it a must-watch for fans of adult anime.


harem cult 1 cv1

Harem Cult Ep 1

Harem Cult Episode 2 Sub

Harem Cult Ep 2

Harem Cult Episode 3

Harem Cult Ep 3

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